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Hoang Dong
Kohlrabi is a food that can be prepared in many ways.
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Vietnam, International

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Contact name: Ms. Amy (Eng/Vie)
Mobiphone:+84 931 265 886

Product & service detail

Health benefits of kohlrabi
Kohlrabi is a familiar dish and is currently the main season. Although it is a dish that is quite close to many people, few people know the effects of this food. Here are the amazing health benefits of kohlrabi.
According to Oriental medicine, kohlrabi has a sweet taste, good effects for the digestive system, low in fat beneficial for overweight and obese people, etc. In 100g of edible kohlrabi there are: Carbohydrate 6.2g sugar 2.6g fiber food 3.6g fat 0.1g protein 1.7g water 91g and substances such as selenium, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, copper. Here are some of the benefits of kohlrabi.
Good for obese people, want to lose weight:
- The composition of kohlrabi is up to 91% water and contains a lot of fiber and low fat. Therefore, this is the ideal food for obese people or people who want to lose weight. On the other hand, because of the low soluble fat content, there is no cholesterol, so it is very good for the heart and circulatory system, preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, for these people, they should only eat boiled kohlrabi, not fried kohlrabi.
Improve immune system:
- In terms of a vegetable, kohlrabi is one of the foods rich in vitamin C. A bowl of raw kohlrabi contains 1.4 times more vitamin C than the body needs each day. As the weather is changing season, the body is likely to catch some diseases caused by weather such as fever, flu, cough, sore throat, etc, adding kohlrabi in your meals helps to reduce the risk of infection and increase the immune system, increase the ability to prevent diseases.
Help mother and fetus to develop better:
- The vitamins and minerals in kohlrabi such as selenium, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, etc. help to supplement nutrients for your pregnancy better, brain activity, and nervous system of the baby stronger.
- Kohlrabi is a food that can be prepared in many ways. However, if eaten raw, the content of substances will be higher, but can cause stomach upset for some people. Therefore, to ensure it is best to boil, stir-fry, and cook. On the other hand, when choosing kohlrabi, you should choose a thin shell, the stem and the shell at the bottom are not too yellow, etc
If you want to get any furher information, please don’t hesitate to contact!

HDF Co., Ltd

HDF Co., Ltd
Room 201, Building C6, Mai Dong Street, Hoang Mai District,Ha Noi, Vietnam
+84 24 22182181, Hotline: +84 931 265 886

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Ms. Amy (Eng/Vie)
Mobiphone: +84 931 265 886
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