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Stainless Steel Table

Stainless Steel Table

Place of Origin:
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Stainless steel tables are applied in all fields, industries
Min. Order:
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Main market:
Vietnam, International

Contact infomation

Contact name: Mr. Tich
Mobiphone:+84 906 887 877

Product & service detail

1. Product information
- The material that makes up the stainless steel table is made of a mixture of metals, so the properties and durability will depend on many mixing ratios between those materials. This product has a shiny surface so it has high aesthetics, so consumers can place any location ,especially outdoor space.
- Origin: Viet Khoa
- Product size subject to change
- Table body is made from 304 stainless steel
- Diverse product models: 1 floor, 2 floors, etc
- Legs have height adjustment.
2. Application
- Stainless steel tables are applied in all fields, industries to serve work as well as daily life of people: Schools, offices, indispensable equipment in cafeteria or kitchens, etc
3. Advantages
- Because it is used from stainless steel, users do not worry about rusting when it is absorbed by water
- Table design varies from design to size, so users can choose a flexible model to suit the area of ​​the space.
- Design design looks extremely elegant, durable, especially with a ruggedness to ensure safety when used
- The quality of the table meets the ISO standard
- Depending on the purpose of use, you can choose the design tables: round, square, long
4. Warranty
- When buying stainless steel table, customers are concerned with many issues such as price, quality, etc including indispensable product warranty from the sales unit.
- Long-term warranty and repair service for all products of our brand within 24 months
- Time to receive and return goods when warranty is clear
- Commitment to exchange products with similar quality (if the product is defective, problems within the warranty period)
- Sale with complete and transparent documents

5. Policies and promotions
- Depending on the time of purchase, the address of purchase, etc and some other criteria that customers will be entitled to policies or promotions when buying products.
- You are a loyal customer or on annual occasions there will be preferential programs
- Ordering products via direct or online form can be delivered to your doorstep, free of charge


Please contact us through our hotline or send us an e-mail for more information. We are very pleased to serve you!

Viet Khoa Service Technology Trading Co., Ltd

46 Huynh Dinh Hai Str., Ward 14, Binh Thanh Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
+84 274 3617082, +84 906887877

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Mr. Tich
Mobiphone: +84 906 887 877
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