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Anti-Lightning System

Anti-Lightning System

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Vietnam, International

Contact infomation

Contact name: Mr. Pham Xuan Quoc
Mobiphone:+84 918.078.960

Product & service detail

1. Introduction
-  A complete lightning protection system must fully show the above mentioned lightning protection contents, however, for the majority of households, people often only care about direct lightning protection.
2. Lightning protection system
- The Franklin lightning-termination needle is a metal rod with a pointed tip about 3m long installed at the highest point in the area to be protected, it operates according to the principle of point discharge, that is, in the atmospheric electric field of a thunderstorm, the needle This lightning collector will continuously release charge into the spatial area so that around the air-termination needle there will be a strong local electric field in comparison to the surrounding points and form a pilot spark, so it easily attracts the first lightning current. from the downward cloud, this lightning current will pass from the needle through the wire system to go down to the ground and dissipate quickly in the ground thanks to the ground ground to dissipate the lightning. Such a lightning protection system will create a safety area for the building it protects.
- However, in reality, there is still a phenomenon of lightning strikes on buildings that have a lightning protection system, which is called ring lightning, so to ensure safety, we should not install lightning protection systems ourselves, but must rely on to a technical expert to calculate the design so that the system ensures technical parameters such as protection range, lightning dissipation resistance, lightning, lightning, secondary discharge, etc
3. Selection of air-termination

- These types of air-termination needles operate on different working principles but can generally be divided into two main categories:
  + Early discharge type: it is the type of lightning-collecting needle that has the property of generating pilot current quite early when the atmospheric electric field has not reached the critical value, which means it actively catches lightning discharge current at a certain point in space away from the construction that it protects. We can imagine that when operating, the air-termination needles seem to be stretched to a segment tens of times their actual length, this segment is called the imaginary height of the lightning rod and as such they have a scope. protection is much greater than that of classical lightning collecting needles at the same height.
  + Charge dissipation type: These are types of air-termination metals that have the property of creating a positively charged spatially charged layer in the atmosphere above the needle tip based on the principle of point discharge. The stronger the discharge current and the more spatially charged layer, it acts as an electrostatic barrier weakening the electric field between the thundercloud and earth, eliminating the risk of lightning discharges.


Please contact us through our hotline or send us an e-mail for more information. We are very pleased to serve you!


Thai Binh Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd

Thai Binh Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd
No 9, Road 20, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc District,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
+84 28 38975767

Contact Infomation
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Contact name: Mr. Pham Xuan Quoc
Mobiphone: +84 918.078.960
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