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Cotton Fiber Sheet

Cotton Fiber Sheet

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Main market:
VietNam, International

Contact infomation

Contact name: Mr. Thanh
Mobiphone: +84 908 368 886
Contact name: Mr. Tap
Mobiphone: +84 916 81 81 91

Product & service detail

Dai Toan Phat Trading and Construction Co., Ltd. was established in 2008, specializing in manufacturing and supplying products from Polyester including: cotton, cotton balls, sheets cotton, fire-proof cotton, air pillows ... used for products such as Stuffed animals, Pillows, Blankets, Drap, Sofas help elastic, softer.
Dai Toan Phat products provide:
- Polyester cotton fiber: This material is similar to rolled cotton, all of which are made of polyester, however, this type of cotton is not made into sheets or rolls but is made into small cotton fibers. On the market there are many different types from the rough to the soft absorbent type. The cotton fiber is used for the following main purposes: for making pillows, pillows, back pillows, air pillows Premium depending on the characteristics of each type of cotton.

-Cotton balls: The ball is rolled by the manufacturer into small particles, round, the same size. Because of being rounded into balls, the ball has a very good elasticity and strength, minimize production The product is flat, shrink during use. With such superior features, cotton balls  are often used to produce products: air pillow, head pillow, backrest pillow, high-end pillow ...
In the Vietnamese market, the productivity of this product is quite high, with increasing output.

- Cotton wool: Cotton fiber which is not yet processed into finished products is still raw or partly raw. After being processed, the fibers will be made by the above products (rolled cotton, cotton balls ...) The composition of cotton wool consists of a part of cotton (or other impurities) and polyester, so the fiber is often coarser and harder than the finished cotton, often used for: pillow, stuffed animals or mattresses ... but the quality is not equal to those of the above products.


Please contact us to get more details!





Dai Toan Phat Construction & Service Trading Co., Ltd

Dai Toan Phat Construction & Service Trading Co., Ltd
58/14H Tien Lan Hamlet, Ba Diem Commune, Hoc Mon Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
+84 28 54252974, Hotline: +84 908 368 886

Contact Infomation
What can we do for you?
Contact name: Mr. Tap
Mobiphone: +84 916 81 81 91
Contact name: Mr. Thanh
Mobiphone: +84 908 368 886
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